All Hallows Healing Ministry is an integral part of life at All Hallows and has been established for many years. It goes hand in hand with our ministry of prayer. We have a team of people who have undertaken appropriate courses in special skills that, together with their natural gifts, enable them to offer ministries of ‘Christian listening’ and bereavement visiting. In addition, many members of this church support, by prayerful hospitality and visiting, any that are known to be in need.
The team meets regularly to pray together, to discuss appropriate matters and to plan the healing services. In addition, to keep up to date, members attend courses such as those run by the Acorn Christian Foundation.
There is also a prayer chain, which comes into operation in an emergency. Please contact Nicola with clear but brief details of the prayer need; concentrated prayer is promised during that particular day.
We hold regular services of Healing and Wholeness in which members of the team take part. Everyone is welcome to this gentle, prayerful service where other brothers and sisters in Christ will pray for you or for someone on whose behalf you have come. In addition, you may like to receive anointing with oil.
Anyone interested in being part of the active healing ministry would be most welcome to attend the meetings.